Friday, January 30, 2009

Patriots Pay Their Taxes.

Another one of Obama's cabinet nominees has had to go back and pay the IRS taxes in the amount of $100,000. Tom Daschle, the former Senate majority leader is being considered for the Department of Health and Human Services. He accepted a car and a driver for years from an investment banker friend. Now that he is being vetted for the cabinet post, he has had to go back and pay back taxes on the car and drive that HE NEVER CLAIMED ON HIS TAX RETURN.

Joe Biden said, "...It is patriotic to pay your taxes..." when he was on the campaign trail. So then I guess I'm justified when I say, "These tax cheats in Obama's cabinet are NOT PATRIOTS" The tax code doesn't say that you pay taxes only if being considered for a cabinet post, it requires every American to pay taxes PERIOD. This is making me angry. The biggest controversies under Bush were a couple of nominees who hired illegal aliens but liberals screamed and screamed until those people were booted.

Can you say "Double Standard"?

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