Sunday, January 11, 2009

Global Warming Creates ...The Icebox Effect??

Despite dire warnings from global warming alarmists, Daily Tech Online reports global sea ice levels are now equivalent to those seen 29 years ago. Satellite data from the University of Illinois' Arctic Climate Research Center indicates the rate of global sea-ice increase in the last four months of the year was the fastest rate of change on record.
Meanwhile, former nuclear scientist and energy expert Michael Fox writes in the Hawaii Reporter that 2008 was "another grim year for the global warmers."

"2008 marked the tenth consecutive year of no global warming... the earth has been cooling for the last six years."

I do NOT believe that there is such a thing as global warming. I have always believed it is a liberal hoax just like the one where the liberals try to convince us that they "support the troops" HA! Hollywood lunatics and liberal nutjobs screaming about our "carbon footprints" have some of the largest footprints in the world. Al Gore's carbon footprint is 20 times larger than the normal citizen, due to his large mansion, fleet of cars and large entourage of servants and personal assistants. All that and the guy claims to be an environmentalist.

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