Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Kathleen Sebelius Tax Cheat

Yet another one of Obama's cabinet nominees neglected to pay taxes! Kathleen Sebilius the Democratic governor of Kansas failed to pay $7,040 in back taxes. This is getting old!

I guess liberals think only rich republicans should pay their taxes.

We would all be hunted down and have our paychecks garnished if we didn't pay our taxes. How come these people get away with it?

Sickening! I think the "educated and informed" people who voted for Obama should be tried and convicted for treason against the US.

Yeah, But Who's the Artist?

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, head of the state department, also known as the-branch-of-federal-government-determined-to-give-Joe-Biden-a-run-for-his-money-in-the-verbal-gaffe-department, recently went on an official trip to Mexico. While there she laid a bouquet of flowers at the foot of the image of Our Lady of Guadulupe. After laying the flowers she proceeded to ask who painted the image and was told "GOD". But Hillary persistent in her quest for the truth asked again, "Who painted the roses?" and was again told "GOD".

I am not a Catholic but I am respectful of the sacred items of other faiths and find Mrs. Clinton's behavior outrageously stupid.

Mrs. Clinton being a Liberal, she probably would have been more respectful of the image had it been smeared in feces. I am of course referring to the picture of Jesus Christ soaked in urine, entitled "Piss Christ", that was in an art display in NYC a few years ago where the Democrats and the Clinton administration bent over backwards to call it free speech. I called it TRASH.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Quote of the Day.

America wasn’t founded so that we could all be better. America was founded so we could all be anything we damned well pleased. — PJ O’Rourke

PJ O'Rourke is a political satirist and is a libertarian.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Question of the Day.

Question: Michael, what do you think about Michelle Obama's recent fashion choices?

Answer: Obviously our new first lady is taking the Constitution very seriously with her recent fashion choices, specifically "the right to bare arms." Thanks for your question.

The Quest to Bow and Scrape.

Ann Compton, veteran ABC News reporter was chosen at Obama's most recent press conference to ask a question of his holiness:

Can you believe that she actually asked the Obamessiah if she could ask him a question? I guess Eric Holder was right, when it comes to race we are a bunch of cowards!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Daniel Hannan Takes on Gordon Brown and Obama by Proxy

Daniel Hannan MEP of Southeast England stood up in the EU Parliament and openly criticized English PM, Gordon Brown.

Hannan's rant is something that someone needs to stand up and say to Obama. We are after all heading down the same road that Tony Blair and now Gordon Brown took England.

Terrorist Welfare Program

Have you heard about the Obama administration's new welfare program? They want the US taxpayers to pay for the terrorists that are released from Guantanamo Bay Prison to receive US taxpayer aid to, "help them get back on their feet and get their lives started" WHAT???

These people who attack and kill innocent American civilians now want us (with targets on our backs) to subsidize their new lives? RIDONKULOUS!

Are You Ready to Give Your Children to Obama?

If your children attend public school and if Obama's mandatory service bill passes, get ready to do just that. This horrific piece of legislation is currently in the House and will make it mandatory for school children from elementary all the way to high school to be part of the "civilian national security force". Obama promises that this security force will be as equally funded as the US military. The bill currently provides for Uniforms and even more scary, an "Oath of Allegiance"

Read more about it here.

Scared yet? You should be.

Taking Global Warming to New Heights of Stupidity.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Quote of the Day.

"In a time where so much is being made about our first black president, is no one going to remark on what a great country it is where a mentally retarded woman can become Speaker of the House?"
--Ann Coulter

Typical Response

This group, Conservatives Patients Rights Action Fund, has launched ads that tell the real truth and "cost" of Obama's Universal Health Care (read Government subsidized) Initiative.

But now that these ads are running, liberals are launching personal attacks on the leader of this group, Rick Scott. They don't want you to hear and believe his message so they are attacking him in order to destroy his credibility so that no one will believe him.

This is how liberals always operate. They never want to debate the issues so they always attack the person and their families.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Campaign to Bankrupt the Palin Family.

Who knew Sarah Palin was such a threat to liberals? You would think that if the election is over and she lost then what possible threat could she be to the liberal, lawless way of life? You would think liberals and feminists would be happy for a woman to be a major party candidate. But no, wait a minute. She's a woman who is pro-life and a woman who has a family and is a popular governor and she's a Christian. Oh wait and she had a special-needs baby who apparently the liberal left simply wanted her to abort instead of raise because that's what liberals do, they abort babies to take the easy route instead of try to raise a family with principles. (HA HA, like liberals have any principles)

This should outrage every Christian, and traditionalist and conservative. I hope someone starts a legal defense fund for this great woman.

I Couldn't Have Said it Better Myself.

Another Promise Broken.

Remember the tax cut that Obama endlesssly trumpeted 20 times daily, for 95% of Americans? You know the measly $8 per paycheck tax cut? Well it wasn't included in the new $3.7 trillion budget that Obama submitted and will expire at the end of this year. So much for the middle class huh?

I'm not surprised. Obama told one lie after another and now we see the truth about this charlatan that liberal fools swept into office. Look for the GOP to sweep the 2010 mid-terms and take back our country from a bunch of socialist liars!

Cindy Sheehan, Mascot of the Liberal Left.

Ok, Ok, so Cindy hated George W. Bush, but can you believe she doesn't think much better of Barack Obama? I was shocked to find out that she groups him in with Bush as a "warmonger". Listen:

How do You Know a Liberal is Lying? Their Mouths are Moving.

New Poll

I've posted a new poll. You may have heard that several large cities are now without their newspapers and I just wondered what you would do if your city didn't have one anymore.



In the spirit of the financial disaster in the banking sector, here are some cute jokes.

Did you hear what happened to the Origami Bank?

They folded.

Did you hear what happened to the employees at the Karate National Bank?

They got chopped.

Did you hear what happened to the customers at the Sushi Bank?

They got a raw deal.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Quote of the Day Part Deux

This quote is for liberals who believe that we can negotiate with islamo-fascist terrorists and comes to us from a former leader of Hezbollah:

" We are not fighting so that you will offer us something. We are fighting to eliminate you."

--Hussein Mussawi

Quote of the Day.

"Maybe Ahmadinejad really will cancel his entire nuclear weapons program because all he ever wanted was a United States president with the audacity to be hopeful"
--James Delingpole.

James Delingpole is the author of "Welcome to Obamaland: I Have Seen Your Future and it Doesn't Work".

What Does Obama Stand For?

Well last night, Obama gave his second prime-time US press conference. It was held in the East Room of the White House and in case you missed it, one thing was noteably absent, TOTUS! (the teleprompter). This was probably due to the all the flak that President Obama has gotten over the last week about using it. So instead of using a teleprompter was Obama winging it on his own? Not a chance as you can see by watching this short video. In TOTUS' stead there was a large video monitor from which Obama was reading.

Yep, because replacing the teleprompter with a huge flat screen should really stop all the jokes!

OBAMA=One Big A$$ Monitor America!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Half and Half

Tomorrow (Tuesday) Zogby polling will release the results of a poll that say Obama's approval rating has dropped to 50%. While 50% is still a pretty good approval rating, it is much less so for the messiah that the left wing kooks believe Obama to be

At 50%, a President has reached the point where he actually has to start doing something or risk becoming a President with a very low approval rating and a one-term failure like Jimmy Carter. In other words, Obama is going to have to replace the "I won" arrogance with actual accomplishments. I don't think he will be successful at that since previous to this date, his biggest effort was to vote Present over a hundred times in the Illinois State Senate.

Proud not to have voted for Obama,

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Question of the Day.

Question: Michael what do you think about Michelle Obama's White House Garden? And what kinds of enviromentally conscious behaviors is she exhibiting there?

Answer: I think it is great that Michelle Obama is growing a garden and I for one can't wait for the day when I go to DC and get to see corn stalks blowing in the breeze on the South Lawn. As far as being environmentally conscious, I have heard through the grapevine that instead of buying specialized garden equipment, Michelle believes in repurposing common household items for use in the garden, which explains why she was using Barack's teleprompter as a shovel! Thanks for your question.


Are You Punch Drunk?

That's the question that 60 Minutes' reporter Steve Kroft actually asked President Obama during his interview. Apparently, Obama had the giggles while talking about the economy prompting Steve Kroft to ask this:

“You’re sitting here. And you’re— you are laughing. You are laughing about some of these problems. Are people going to look at this and say, ‘I mean, he’s sitting there just making jokes about money—’ How do you deal with— I mean: explain…” Kroft asks at one point.

“Are you punch-drunk?” Kroft says.

Watch the interview here:

Watch CBS Videos Online

Seriously? Laughing while he's taxing the heck out of the rich and giving that money to people who don't even have jobs or contribute anything to this country? Apparently we elected a frat-boy President whose priorities are picking the NCAA champs and ruining free-market capitalism for everyone.

Proud that I didn't vote for Obama,

Quote of the Day.

"We no longer have to worry that Obama is the anti-christ because he's too incompetent"
--Eric Erickson's Wife.

Eric Erickson is the editor-in-chief of Red State blog and a city councilman in Macon, Georgia.

Step Away from the Desk!

Apparently Obama's issues with gaffes aren't just limited to public speaking and his teleprompter. According to this Red State Blog post, he's now alienated the current President of France by sending a letter pledging US help to the former French President.

Huh? Remember when Katie Couric was grilling Sarah Palin on the last six kings of Swaziland? Remember when liberals were all up in arms because Bush didn't know some obscure country's Prime Minister? How does that compare with a sitting US President who doesn't know the current President of France? It doesn't.

Obama was given a huge pass by the Mainstream Media for his inexperience and it is showing. A President could overcome the whole teleprompter issue with competence but Obama hasn't shown competence in any area so far,including knowing current heads of state of MAJOR countries! WOW!

Proud that I didn't vote for Obama,

That's No Moon...

And He Has His Teleprompter!

Take a look at this, Obama can't even find his place on the teleprompter. Goodness! Bush may have made up some words but this President is the worst speaker I've ever heard. If it isn't written down in front of him, he doesn't even know what to say, and what makes it even worse is that he's defending his own positions!

Once again, I'm proud to have been one of the 52 million people who didn't vote for Obama!

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Obama's teleprompter now has its own blog and I've posted a link to it under the heading, "Hilarious Blogs." The TOTUS (Teleprompter of the United States) even has its own seal and its own piece of art that looks vaguely familiar.

Too funny! **unattractive snort**

Now for the Bonus Round.

AIG executives that live in a very upscale part of Connecticut in large mansions now have around-the-clock police protection. This is due to outrage over the million dollar bonuses that they were paid to these execs after they brought AIG to the brink of bankruptcy. According to FOX News, there have been many threats by people on the lives of these AIG execs. I don't condone murderous threats but the very idea of these people that live in these mansions taking million dollar bonuses for causing a company to fail, in this time of economic insecurity is OUTRAGEOUS!

So these are the little people that the Democrats are helping out by protecting their million dollar bonuses in their massive stimulus bill? I believe that this bonus protection clause will spell the end of Democratic control in Washington DC. 2010 can't come fast enough.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Lies Lies Lies, Yeah.

Treasure Secretary "Tax Cheat" Geithner is a liar! He has known that AIG planned to pay bonuses since November, 2008.

You Never Promised Us a Rose Garden.

Michelle Obama is building a garden at the White House. WOW! Just WOW! Does she think this is World War II and we have to grow our own food and become self-sufficient? is she going to make Diplomats and Ambassadors and distinguished White House visitors walk through a corn maze to get to the door? Is the President really going to pull the weeds?

So many problems to solve, and Michelle Obama is throwing the weekly cocktail party and starting a farm on the South Lawn.

Who was In the Room?

It has been proven that once the Stimulus Bill was written in the Senate and written in the House it had to go to conference just like every bill that has two versions so the Senate and House version match before it goes to the President. Senator Chris Dodd(D) Conecticut was not in conference and neither were any Republicans from either the House or the Senate. Who was in the room? The Democrat conferees were Daniel Inouye, Max Baucus, Harry Reid, Dave Obey, Charlie Rangel, and Henry Waxman. One (or more) of them allowed Dodd to make the change.

Where are all the snarky liberal comments now? The Democrats who like to bill themselves as the party of the underdog and the little people went into this conference and protected AIG and their million dollar bonuses and there wasn't a single Republican in the room!

Blame it on Fox News.

Chip Reid of CBS News asked Robert "I like uhh the sound of uhh my own voice" Gibbs if Obama was off message this week and got a smart-aleck answer about cable news. Watch for yourself.

I think it is amazing how the White House is using their Bully Pulpit to really bully people. Calling them out by name and mocking those who have differing and in most cases the right opinions. What a disgrace.


Today Robert Gibbs, the White House I mean Press Secretary, had a press conference and was asked about the difference in dates between Geithner's account of when he said he knew about AIG bonus and the emails that have come to light.

When asked, Gibbs replied, and I quote, "Uhhh, Uhhh, and um, Uhhh"

Who Knew?

Well apparently Dina Titus (D)-Nevada knew about the AIG Bonuses before the stimulus was signed into law. I'm going to make sure and let all my readers know about all the Democrats who knew about this bonus provision in the stimulus bill. I say Democrats because remember only 3 Republicans in the entire Congress voted to pass this bill and who cares whether they knew about it, because their political careers are already on life support.

Stay tuned...

Pass the Funny.

This is Spectacular Footage

Watch CBS Videos Online

Obama's Gaffe, No Big Deal.

Keith Olbermann, always dependable to cover Obama's tracks, brings up Obama's gaffe about comparing his bowling skills to "Special Olympics" and just as I said liberals would do, acted like it was NO BIG DEAL. This screaming lunatic would have demanded that George Bush or Cheney be beheaded for saying something similar. Notice how Keith and Late-Night host Craig Ferguson address this gaffe like they're discussing sports scores over coffee. So relaxed and nonchalant. Well it is ludicrous and I call on Obama to apologize. The other day on Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly used the word retarded and the New York Times acted like he had asked people to disembowel themselves. What a bunch of two-faced hypocrites liberals are.

And I Thought We Didn't Negotiate with Terrorists?

Have You Seen This Book?

Here's a new book that should be required reading for anyone with children who plan on attending public universities for secondary education. It is a book called "One-Party Classroom: How Radical Professors at America's Top Colleges Indoctrinate Students and Undermine Our Democracy.

In it, the author talks about how taxpayer funded Universities are filling their teaching ranks with socialists, communists and liberals so that the youth coming in to learn, will leave jaded, and poisoned against our Republic system of government which academia on the whole despises.

I'll let you read a few reviews, and if you decide to order this book, please do so by clicking on my amazon link at the top of my blog.

“A professor’s job is not to tell students what to think; it is to help them to think carefully, critically, and for themselves. There is a legitimate place for the catechist, the preacher, the social activist, and the community organizer; but that place is not the university classroom. Professors who seek to indoctrinate their students violate a sacred trust. They should be forcefully challenged and publicly held to account. In One-Party Classroom, David Horowitz does just that. The book should provoke a discussion of the ethics of classroom instruction that is long overdue.”
—Robert P. George, McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence and Director of the James Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions, Princeton University

“Definitive proof that, whether they succeed or not, thousands of professors go to work every day with the intention of indoctrinating their students in their personal political prejudices.”
—Candace de Russy, former trustee, State University of New York

“One-Party Classroom shows how far American universities have drifted from academic principles. The politicized courses described here are indeed among the worst cases. What is truly shocking is the unwillingness of university authorities to do anything about them.”
—Stephen H. Balch, founder and president, National Association of Scholars

“Reveals how political activists masquerading as academics dominate our liberal arts colleges. Regents and trustees need to become engaged in this important battle to restore academic rigor, standards, and accountability to our institutions of higher learning.”
—Tom Lucero, regent, University of Colorado

“There is not a university leader in this country who would not be better for confronting the well-reported case studies in David Horowitz’s book.”
—Frederick Mohs, former trustee, Univers...

New Poll, and a Few Words

I hope you're excited about my new poll. I want to gauge reader opinion on whether or not Obama or one of his minions, knew about the AIG bonuses and wanted those bonuses protected. If you recall, AIG gave Obama and Senator Dodd, hundreds of thousands in dollars in campaign contributions and I think protecting millions of dollars in bonuses during a time of economic instability would be the perfect way for a sitting President and Senator to repay them. Let me know!

Now about last week's poll. It was about stem cell research and whether or not the US Government should be funding such research. I was surprised to learn that one of my very regular readers cast the lone vote for US government funding. When asked, she told me that had I specified embryonic stem cell research that she would have voted against the funding. What a wake-up call that was, but very true! It has been proven over and over that adult stem cells can cure many diseases and show much promise for many others, while embryonic stem cells have never shown any promise whatsoever but instead are a way for the liberal loony left to justify as many abortions as possible! Thanks to one of my most avid blog readers for pointing out my lack of specificity!

Keep Reading!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

A Joke is Worth a Thousand Disparaging Words.

On "The Tonight Show" on Tuesday night, Obama was asked about his bowling skills and his response was that they were on a par with "...the Special Olympics..." Not surprisingly, the quip about the Special Olympics is not in the official NBC clip which follows. Of course not! Liberals wouldn't dare show something that shows Obama in a less than perfect and holy light.

But can you imagine for a moment if Bush or Cheney or some Republican would have said that? There would have been calls for impeachment or calls for imprisonment. But liberals just poo-poo anything their Lord and Master says or does and say he was disparaging his bowling skills and not the Special Olympics. WHAT? By saying what he said, he inferred that Special Olympics skills are lower than regular athletes and he should be ashamed of himself.

Audio Testing (PC)

Audio Testing (Mac)

Video Testing

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Its All in the Numbers.

Ever wondered about the cable news ratings? Well wonder no more.

The hands-down winner is FOX a lot! Which means a win for you and I as well. FOX is the only news channel that provides unvarnished news reporting. Notice I said "news reporting". I stand by my statement and I challenge any liberal to provide me with hard evidence of a conservative tilt in the "straight news reporting."

Now if you watch FOX News for O'Reilly and Hannity which is "opinion" mixed with reporting, then there is a conservative tilt but with many liberal viewpoints presented, unlike MSNBC which has gone all the way over to the liberal-loony side.

Check out the numbers for yourself here.

Fox News has approximately 1-2 million viewers per day which is about double the viewership of CNN while MSNBC numbers are represented by a generous show of hands. With foaming at the mouth liars like Rachel Maddow, Keith Olbermann, Chris Matthews, David Shuster and frequent guests like KOS from the Daily Kos, expect MSNBC's numbers to drop as backlash against the stimulus, AIG bonus payments and the liberal bent of the Obama administration continue to pile up.

Answer the Question.

Today in the House of Representatives, Republicans introduced a bill that would have blocked AIG from paying out the $165 million in bonuses included in the massive stimulus bill that was fully supported by the Democratic Party. The bill was promptly killed by Democrats, so Rep. Foxx (R) North Carolina had a simple question. Why?

I guess stumbling, bumbling and dodging the question just comes naturally to Democrats. It happens in the White House and apparently it happens in the House as well.

Breaking News!

AIG Bonus provision inserted in stimulus bill by Dodd but was done with the tacit approval of President Obama!

from Yahoo News

For months, the Obama administration and members of Congress have known that insurance giant AIG was getting ready to pay huge bonuses while living off government bailouts. It wasn’t until the money was flowing and news was trickling out to the public that official Washington rose up in anger and vowed to yank the money back.

Why the sudden furor, just weeks after Barack Obama’s team paid out $30 billion in additional aid to the company? So far, the administration has been unable to match its actions to Obama’s tough rhetoric onexecutive compensation. And Congress has been unable or unwilling to restrict bonuses for bailout recipients, despite some lawmakers’ repeated efforts to do so.

Did you know that AIG gave huge "campaign" contributions" to certain Senators? Did you know that the four top recipients of these contributions are all Democrats? Did you know that Senator Dodd is number one, receiving, $103,000? Guess who was the number two recipient of AIG's largesse? None other than Obama himself. He received $101,000 from the bumbling fools at AIG.

I want to see a resignation from Geithner immediately. I want Senator Dodd to stick around so he can be roundly defeated in 2010 by a Republican. In 2010 when Republicans take back Congress, I want impeachment proceeding against the grossly incompetent President Obama, to begin.

Life is good sitting around watching the Democratic party IMPLODE!

You're on Tape!

Senator Chris Dodd (D) Connecticut admits he inserted the AIG Bonus protection into the massive stimulus bill THAT ONLY 3 REPUBLICANS VOTED TO PASS!

The stimulus was wrong and OBAMA OWNS IT!!!!

Proud to be a Republican,

New Arrival

My friends Leisa and Colby Culp just gave birth to a little tiny boy, Gavin.

Here is a picture of the sweetie-pie. He weighed 5 pounds.

Colby and Leisa are a very nice couple who both work and support their two children without taking a handout from the government. Leisa's previous child Kai, was born with a tumor and massive internal problems. Never once did she consider an abortion because she's responsible and doesn't choose the easy cop out. Good Job Leisa and Colby!

Now we're just waiting on Baby Audrina's arrival...

Never Forget

Well due to an uproar by veteran's groups, the Obama administration has backed away from their horrible plan of making veterans pay for their own medical bills due to injuries incurred during military service. But, we should never forget that they wanted them to and the reason? To save as much as $500 million per year! Pathetic. Hey why doesn't the Obama administration try to make the government some money by having its own cabinet members pay their taxes? What a novel idea.

Question of the Day.

I'm going to start a new blog feature. Everyday I will post a "question of the day" that I receive from my readers. I hope it is informative.

Michael, I have heard that you edit Robert Gibbs' (Obama's press secretary) speeches when you post them on your blog. Is this true?

I do edit Robert Gibbs' speeches for clarity but not for content. But, to ensure accuracy just add in 25 "uhs", "ahs" and "ums" to every exchange. Thanks for your question.

Thanks for Your Service to Your Country, Now Here's Your Medical Bill

It is Outrageous that Obama wants veteran soldiers to pay for their own healthcare for injuries that happened in service to our country.

Let's get this straight. Make veterans pay for their own healthcare but give poor people free medical care. Poor people that have every satellite channel and big screen tv's and NO JOBS! PATHETIC. Poor people that lie about disability and bill the government while people who are truly disabled can't get a penny. Poor people who still manage to buy cigarettes and make it to the bar 3 or 4 times a week will get free medical care paid for by taxing people who actually work and have to raise their families while caring for a bunch of louses who are so lazy they can't be bothered to even look for jobs!

Obama is making Jimmy Carter look competent!

With a Name like Obama, it has to be Good.

Obama is heading to one of the only safe bastions for a liberal, HOLLYWOOD! If you can't take it anywhere, you can take it there. He'll be the special guest on "The Tonight Show"

I think Obama is going on Leno because he has to be worshipped and adored and I guarantee everything is pre-planned and the audience will be handpicked Obama worshippers. A President appearing on a late-night talk show that revolves mostly around comedy, diminishes the seriousness of the office. And at time when we have serious economic problems the result is doubly so.

I just have one question about the show. Will Obama bring a teleprompter?

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I'm with Stupid...

Earlier, I posted about Obama and his EXCESSIVE use of a teleprompter. Well now the saga continues. Irish Prime Minister Brian Cowen, at the White House earlier was reading the teleprompter while giving a speech and found himself reading aloud the same speech that President Obama had just given!

So what does he do? Well he turns it over to Obama who then proceeds to read a thank you to himself because that is what was on the teleprompter! What fresh ridiculousness is this?

Okay we get it, Obama and his red-faced stammering press secretary Gibbs need this tool to avoid all the "uhs" and "ahs" and to keep from looking like a couple of...well TOOLS, but shouldn't common sense prevail and if you see that what you're reading is leading to thanking yourself, can't you stop and wing it?

What a bunch of cleverly packaged robots! This should be proof that there is no artificial intelligence.

If I were a liberal and wasn't embarrassed yet with all the tax cheats, convicted criminals, and private sector failures packed into this administration, I would be NOW!

Pass the Buck.

The Obama White House has released a timeline that shows Obama didn't know about the AIG bonuses until Thursday of last week. I don't see how that helps him. The American public was notified on the Sunday talk shows, so by my calculation, Obama knew for three whole days before! It was only AFTER the backlash later on Sunday and Monday that Obama started publicly criticizing AIG. What a hypocrite, it was okay until he started getting criticism for it.

But, I bet the Obama White House was sure prepared to turn the water in the White House fountain green by St. Patrick's Day though...Priorities, priorities.

You're Only a Failure Until You Get Hired by the Obama Administration.

Lewis Alexander the chief economist for Citigroup which has been bailed out ad nauseum by the taxpayers of this country, has accepted a job in the treasury department of the Obama administration to work on domestic fiscal policy.

BWAH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA, water meet screen!

Isn't that a little like having a child molester run a daycare?

This is change for sure! Change you can keep. Rush Limbaugh doesn't have to wish that Obama's policies will fail because I think the plethora of convicted criminals and private sector failures in his cabinet are going to insure that!

Yes, We're the Party of NO!

Remember in February when the monstrous stimulus bill was passed with only 3 Republican turncoat votes in the Senate? Well I do. As part of that stimulus bill, Democratic Senator Chris Dodd-Connecticut put in a last minute provision with the tacit approval of Reid and Pelosi which, get this...PROTECTED $165 MILLION IN AIG BONUSES!

I'm proud that the Republicans are the party of No and so should you be. Republicans voted no on the stimulus and the Dodd provision.

Democrats voted for it, they own it, and the AIG mess belongs to them. We should just sit back and watch the left wing liberals IMPLODE!

I'll Take Your Questions and Get Back to You.

Ummm, isn't a press secretary supposed to come to press conferences prepared?

Sheesh, and I though Scott McClellan was bad.

Convicted Thieves We Can Believe In.

So the guy that Obama picked to head up the office of government technology was apparently convicted of theft and fraud in Maryland sometime in 1997. He pled guilty to a theft charge of $300 and was sentenced to supervised probation and fined $500, $400 of which was suspended.

This is just more of the same lying, stealing and cheating that we've come to expect from this administration. I guess Obama can justify hiring this thief because the fine the guy faced didn't have the word "trillion" after it.

See also, my post on liberal translations.


Do You Hear What I Read?

Obama is laughably the worst public speaker I've ever heard. Between he and his bloated moon-faced press secretary, one day I had to turn the channels after counting close to 500 million "uhs" and "ahs" in one speech.

I wonder when the White House will finally make his teleprompter part of his podium?

Sunday, March 15, 2009

When a Contract Isn't Really a Contract.

I'm sure you have all heard the latest coming from the bottomless pit called AIG. They say that they are contractually bound to pay out $165 million worth of bonuses. This after they've received $175 billion from US taxpayers to keep from going bankrupt. Larry Summers, the head of the White House Economic Council, today on This Week with George Stephanopoulous, said there is nothing the government can do that we live in a country of laws and we must respect contracts. That's rich coming from an administration that is giving bankruptcy court judges the ability to SHRED MORTGAGE CONTRACTS FOR PEOPLE WHO WERE IRRESPONSIBLE!

Lately the Democrats are painting the Republicans as the party of NO and of Obstruction, but the Democrats now seem like they are the party of big irresponsible business and tax cheats and people who bit off more than they could chew by buying houses that they couldn't afford. I'm proud to be a Republican and say NO to the excesses of the Obama panel of cronies.

Here's a Little Something for the Obama Supporters

Now if they came in green...

Better Get a Pedicure, Available Now: Obama Flip-Flops

This was Obama on February 5, 2009:

By now, it’s clear to everyone that we have inherited an economic crisis as deep and dire as any since the days of the Great Depression. Millions of jobs that Americans relied on just a year ago are gone; millions more of the nest eggs families worked so hard to build have vanished. People everywhere are worried about what tomorrow will bring.

Because each day we wait to begin the work of turning our economy around, more people lose their jobs, their savings and their homes. And if nothing is done, this recession might linger for years. Our economy will lose 5 million more jobs. Unemployment will approach double digits. Our nation will sink deeper into a crisis that, at some point, we may not be able to reverse.

This is Obama now:

A smidgen of good news and suddenly everything is doing great. A little bit of bad news and ooohh , we’re down on the dumps,” Obama said. “And I am obviously an object of this constantly varying assessment. I am the object in chief of this varying assessment.

I don’t think things are ever as good as they say, or ever as bad as they say,” Obama added. “Things two years ago were not as good as we thought because there were a lot of underlying weaknesses in the economy. They’re not as bad as we think they are now.

“And my long-term projections are highly optimistic, if we take care of some of these long-term structural problems.

So which is it? Is the USA economy going down the toilet or isn't it? Remember prior to the September 2008 debate when John McCain said "...the fundamentals of our economy are strong..."? And the Obama piranhas jumped all over him and called him out of touch?

How in the world could we be in such dire straits a month ago and now all of a sudden the economy is all rosy again? I'll tell you. Obama is too busy pushing his socialist agenda and doesn't really know what he's doing as far as the economy is concerned.

It Would be Funny if it wasn't so Sad.

Nancy Pelosi Denies She's Partisan. Yeah and I'm a Millionaire.

Nancy Pelosi went on Charlie Rose (PBS, check local listings) to deny that she is partisan. She claims that she has always worked with Republicans and insists that she wanted their input on the recent Stinkulus Bill that passed with virtually no Republican support.

This woman is an imperious, evil woman who lies with the ease of melting butter. She maintains a list of those whom she wants to destroy politically. She spends taxpayer money to fly back and forth to her home base of San Francisco in a military aircraft, claiming that since she is third in the line of succession, she needs that extra protection. Wow, that may actually be the one and only time that she actually supports the military. I wonder how the liberal kooks who support her feel when they see her touching down in San Francisco in a military plane?

In case you don't remember, San Francisco is the city that banned ROTC and Military Recruiters from High School and College Campuses.

New Poll

Be sure and take my new poll about the US government funding Stem Cell Research. Funding stem cell research with US taxpayer money is wrong and will waste money on research that has never been proven to cure any diseases.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

New American Liberal Translation

Who is up for a liberal vocabulary lesson?

Shared Sacrifice
-Liberal verb meaning to soak the Wealthy and tax the heck out of corporations and small business thereby inhibiting job creation and causing more layoffs.

Enemy Combatants
-Friends with Guns who have been unfairly targeted by the evil US and it's security and foreign policies.

Abortion-Liberal cost cutting method popular with uninhibited women who consider killing babies "no big deal."

Abstinence Education
-Liberal label designating hate speech that prevents abortion butchers from killing innocent babies conceived by sex-starved women who want all the pleasure and none of the "pain".

-Liberal name given to conservatives, Republicans, Christians, and anyone who disagrees with liberals. Liberals also like to apply this term to the military men and women who kill misunderstood Islamo-fascists.

Racist-Liberal term applied to people who disagree with Obama and Rep. Maxine Waters (D) CA.

-Liberal label for people who disagree with homosexuality.

-Unfair conservative term for someone who committed a crime. See Victim. Liberals apply this term to military service persons who unfairly attack people who fly planes into buildings and kill thousands.

-Liberal term for people whose racist, homophobic or narrow-minded views cause so-called criminals to commit crimes. See also: unfairly assigning blame and offending terrorists with insulting names.

Think this vocabulary lesson was over the top? Well just wait, these are all things that await us on the path to socialism (ie communism) that Obama and his liberal cronies, Pelosi, and Reid are forcing us to march down.

What's In a Name?

According to this article, the US DOJ has stopped calling terrorists that have killed US servicemen and women, Enemy Combatants. What do they want us to call them, Friends with Guns? (term was coined by a source who does not wish to be named in association with this blog)

This is the liberal methodology of not wanting to offend Islamo-fascists and people who threaten the US. It is important to remember that liberals don't consider people who attack the US as the problem, they consider the US the problem. Funny huh? Sad is more like it.

Mock the president, kill innocent babies, label Christian sermons as hate speech, raise taxes on the people who pay 80% of all taxes, lower taxes and give huge refunds to people who don't pay taxes at all, stifle economic growth and run huge corporations off to foreign countries, the list goes on and on.

I'm tired of hearing only liberal voices but conservatives historically don't protest and gather to mock the president or kill babies. Conservatives just believe that people who commit crimes and participate in illegal activities like killing US military men and women should be punished.

Maxine Waters, Corrupt as They Come.

You have to read this article about Rep. Maxine Waters (D) California by Michelle Malkin. This woman holds a stake in a Boston Bank that took $12 million in TARP funds but didn't skip a beat berating bank executives when they testified before Congress. Once again, a liberal democrat that wants it both ways. Don't let her affected intellectual accent or ridiculous looking glasses fool you, this woman will skewer anyone who dares to criticize her. Someone needs to run this woman out of Congress. She serves NO ONE BUT HERSELF!

She received $12,500 in campaign contributions from the Bank One United of Boston and between $250,000 and $500,000 in bank stock.

Just like she always does when caught red-handed at bad behavior she simply screams, "You're all RACIST!"

Friday, March 13, 2009

Drinking the Kool-Aid

Don't you love it when liberals trot out the line, " cuts for 95% of Americans..." They never stop to consider that a full 40-60% of those 95% pay NO TAXES WHATSOVEVER!

Don't you love it when they villify Bush and Republicans for tax cuts to the wealthiest 1% of Americans? They never seem to remember that the top 1% of earners pay 65 to 80% of ALL THE TAXES PAID IN AMERICA.

Don't you love it when liberals say that small business suffered immensely under Bush? They never bring up that if those small business now earn more than $250,000, that they will receive A TAX HIKE by President Obama.

They love to say that we need to have faith in Obama. Why? When he puts tax-cheat after tax-cheat in his cabinet. When he declares on the campaign trail that he will ban lobbyists from jobs in his government, then goes back on that word time after time after time. Or how about when he targets Rush Limbaugh for criticizing him, when James Carville and 51% of the Democrats in 2001 and 2006 wished Bush would fail? I SAY NO MORE! Obama is a liar, he has a secret agenda to spread OUR wealth to people who don't work and refuse to help themselves. He is an inexperienced glib politician who along with his wife and his political cronies, his pastor for 20 years, and the domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, who introduced him to politics, want nothing short of the total destruction of America and want us to forget the Founders' intent for this country, that you get out of America what you put in.

When the liberals say to traditionalists, conservatives and true Americans to, "Go ahead and keep your head in the sand while the rest of us choose to move forward and step off the cliff of uncertainity in search of a better America for all." I say GOOD! Go over the cliff like a bunch of lemmings who have a slobbering love affair with Obama and who can't think for yourselves. We don't need the lot of you godless liberal schmucks. (yes I called you all godless, The gods and goddesses of nature don't count because they're not real and you'll find that out on judgement day)

Support the Troops.

Michelle Obama visited Fort Bragg, NC on Thursday to push her agenda of supporting military families. In her speech she called on the nation to support these families with the following remarks, "I encourage reach out on your own, through schools, the PTA, little leagues, churches, workplaces, and find out if there's a soldier or a soldier's family right there in your own community who needs a little extra support," Obama said before a crowd of about 80. "Something as simple as offering help with carpool duty can make the world of difference to a parent who is trying to hold the family together during a very stressful time."

I wonder if she wanted to add, " I can be proud of my country for only the third time in my life."

Photograph courtesy of

I don't know what country she has been living in but most conservatives, Christians, and other true Americans, HAVE ALREADY BEEN SUPPORTING MILITARY FAMILIES as long as there have been military families.

This campaign of hers is so politically motivated. She has to appear supportive of the troops to deflect criticism that she is a European type socialist who despises the military and America by proxy.

If she really wanted to support military families she should convince her husband not to cut military veteran healthcare. Obama wants to pull government healthcare from vets who have service-related injuries and make these vets pay for their own treatment with private insurance. Read about it here.

This proposed policy change by Obama is exactly what he said he wouldn't do when he was still a US Senator and is the same thing he villified John McCain for on the campaign trail.

This administration has broken so many campaign promises and foisted tax-cheat after tax-cheat on the American people that I don't know how we can trust Obama anymore.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Video Testing

I got a new toy yesterday, Roxio Creator 2009. I'm using it to pull my own news videos directly off my TIVO via my home network. If I'm successful, the video quality on my blog will be excellent because I'll be pulling directly from the digital source instead of copying someone else's video off of YouTube. You may see some different videos if you check in today.


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Where is the Mainstream Media When You Need Them?

Jason Mattera of, a conservative blog, recently went to Washington DC to question Rep. Charlie Rangel (D) New York. Rangel is head of the Ways and Means Committee, which is responsible for writing the tax code.

Rangel did not claim $75,000 in rental income over the last 5 years from a vacation home he owns in Mexico. For someone who actually WRITES THE TAX CODE, that all of us have to follow, his non-payment is OUTRAGEOUS.

Watch Jason Mattera confront Rangel. Just a warning, in this video, Rep. Rangel takes the name of the Lord in vain and I can't bleep it out since I don't own the video.

I am angry that a private citizen had to do the job of the media. Freedom of the press was put into the constitution so that the press could use its power to keep the government in check. But the MSM has not reported on the Rangel controversy ONE SINGLE TIME IN 2009! Pathetic.

Don't you love how liberal leaders in Congress ranted and promised transparency and to clean up Congress and the Federal Govt after Bush left? HA HA HA HA HA HA! Best laugh I've had in awhile.


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Top 5 List!

Here are the Top 5 smear merchants in the mainstream media:

5. Janeane Garofalo - she's a good actress actually, but she hates conservatives. She thinks people who become conservatives have a human weakness, a frailty, to use her word. And when George Bush was in the White House, she said the Republican Party, their message and their politics of exclusion and the tilted playing field appeals to the dumb and the mean. There is no shortage of dumb and mean people in the culture. So therefore, the dumb and the mean find a nice home in the GOP. Jeanine represents the cacophony of voices in Hollywood. You know, the place in America filled with political professionals. **unattractive snort**

4. Bill Moyers - because he represents the most elite wing of the most liberal elite media. Bill Moyers is a true believer who these days is posing as a journalist. He's very civil and high brow to an extent, but also despises conservatives. During the Bush administration, he said that the right-wing wrecking crews in government, right-wing wrecking crews were deliberately, intentionally, trying to destroy the United States of America. Really, Bill? I mean, right-wing wrecking crews and the government are deliberately trying to destroy America? And he's on PBS which is tax-payer funded.

3. The Daily Kos - they are very significant in this current media world in which we live. They have one of, if not the biggest, left-wing political Web sites. They are rabidly anti-conservative. Yet, its founder Markos Moulitsas has so much clout that not only does he get on the most mainstream of shows, "Meet the Press," to talk politics, but the Democrats who are running for president of the United States went there and made speeches to the Daily Kos convention. The Daily Kos is the blog who startedt the rumor that Trig Palin was actually Bristol Palin's child. Democrats are afraid of offending The Daily Kos, that's how much power they wield. Hmmmm, maybe Republicans should say the leader of the Dem party IS the Daily Kos. Sound familiar?

2. The New York Times - There is no news organization that is more influential with the so-called mainstream media. If The New York Times went on strike tomorrow morning, the CBS Evening News wouldn't know what to put on the air tomorrow night. Everybody takes their cues from The New York Times. And under the leadership of its publisher, Arthur Sulzberger Jr., and its executive editor, Bill Keller, this once great newspaper, liberal, great newspaper has just descended pretty far down the list. They've adopted a view of conservatives that is prevalent on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, and that is that conservatives aren't simply wrong, conservatives are morally inferior. So that if they disagree with you on, let's say immigration, Then you become a racist.

1. MSNBC - because they are a division of a major news organization, NBC News. And the villains are not even people on the air. They're executives who most Americans don't even know their names, but they have made a business decision to allow defamation of conservatives with whom they have a beef. So this qualifies them, in my book, as journalistic hookers. But I say this, with apologies to the other hookers out there, who only sell their bodies. These people have sold their journalistic souls.

(Bernard Goldberg contributed to this post.)

Thanks for reading,

And Then the Numbers Came In.

Remember how the voters swept the Republicans from power in the last national election? Well now some important poll numbers are trickling in.

Take Connecticut for example. Senator Chris Dodd (D), he of the special mortgage from his buddy Angelo Mozelo at Countrywide, is losing ground to a Republican challenger! A new Quinnipiac poll out this morning shows Dodd trailing the former Republican Congressman Rob Simmons, 43 to 42!

Seems like voters are finally waking up to what the liberal socialists in Congress are doing with our money AND our civil rights!

Rush to Judgement?

I'm sure you have all heard about the villifying of Rush Limbaugh by the White House and the far-left media. About how the Democrats are screaming about Rush Limbaugh's statement, "I hope he fails.' ...what is unfair about my saying I hope liberalism fails? Liberalism is our problem. Liberalism is what's gotten us dangerously close to the precipice here. Why do I want more of it? I don't care what the drive-by story is. I would be honored if the drive-by media headlined me all day long: 'Limbaugh: I Hope Obama Fails.' Somebody's gotta say it."

By saying what he said, Rush has all the far-left media outlets like NBC News, and The Daily Kos (hate-filled, left-wing blog), among others saying that his speech is treasonous. Well did you know that in August of 2006 a poll was taken? The poll asked "Do you want the President to succeed, regardless of who you voted for?

And In 2006 a full 51% of Democrats said they wanted Bush to fail!

As usual, liberals and Democrats want it both ways. They want to dissent against a President that they hated but if anyone says ANYTHING about their precious President Obama, they want to label that speech as hate-speech.

Now I know I'll hear from liberals who will scream and cry and gnash their teeth that Bush waged a war and war is awful, boo-hoo-hoo! But that even makes their case more pitiful. If the USA is going to succeed at anything, winning a war is the most important thing of all!

Remember, "Without the soldier, there would be no protestor!"

Implementation of a liberal, socialistic agenda is something I don't want to succeed either because IT STRAYS WILDLY FROM THE FOUNDERS' INTENT for this country.

I'm going to repeat a phrase that I used a couple of days ago. It is a phrase that was put on billboards in highly Republican districts all over the USA when GWB was in the White House. I'm going to throw their words RIGHT BACK AT THEM:


Monday, March 9, 2009

And So it Begins.

I just read this post over on Red State. It is an attempt to take control of the Catholic Church out of the hands of the Church Leaders. Now, I am not a Catholic and was very disappointed at the handling a few years ago of the priests who were found to have molested young boys. But, I see this move for exactly what it is. It is a move by the liberal federal government via the extremely liberal Massachusetts state government to "control" religion. We better pray that this attempt is unsuccessful because evangelicals have long been a target by liberals and we could be next.

Do You Know the Way to Wikipedia? Yes, Turn Left.

Have you all heard of Wikipedia? It is the online encyclopedia that can be edited by anyone. There are certain standards for editing but pretty much anyone who knows something about a topic can write sections on that topic. If you look at the section on my blog titled "Favorite Links" you'll see that I maintain a link to it.

Now, have you heard all the fuss about Obama not really being an American citizen? Obama refuses to show an actual birth certificate to prove his citizenship. Hawaii trots out an online "Certificate of Live Birth" which has been proven to be a forgery over and over again on many different websites.

According to this story at World Net Daily, everytime someone comes on to the Wikipedia site to edit Obama's biography with unflattering but true items such as the forged birth certificate and his relationship with Bill Ayers, the admins at Wikipedia scrub those entries and kick the user off the site. This is a perfect example of communist press tactics. Do away with all dissenters. PRAVDA anyone? Is this going to become widespread in the USA? I believe it will eventually happen here on a massive scale as long as Obama continues to be successful RAMMING his socialist agenda down our throats!

New Mexico Under Attack

I received the following email via the Baptist Convention of New Mexico. It discusses "Diversity Training" that will become mandatory in public schools K-12 if this dangerous bill is passed. I already know what some will say. They will claim that to speak against Diversity is hate speech. I disagree, because this is Homosexual Indoctrination! I've said it before. What you do in the privacy of your own home is your personal business. However, when you try to visit that sinful lifestyle on innocent, impressionable children, I WILL FIGHT YOU WITH EVERY FIBER OF MY BEING!


New Mexico Watchman

Dear Friends,
Thank you for your prayerful worship this weekend. As the week begins, we face SB 638 School Tolerance Diversity Curriculum sponsored by Senator Linda Lopez.

The bill calls for 15 minutes of daily instruction from kindergarten to 3rd grade and continued instruction through graduation. It would become the 14th required subject in the curriculum now being taught by our public school teachers.

In addition to what would only serve as an indoctrination into the homosexual agenda, the bill would require the development of materials and teacher training. As with "freedom of conscience" concerns with abortion, it is unknown how many teachers would resign as a result of this legislation.

The bill is scheduled for public hearing in the Senate Public Affairs Committee for tomorrow, Tuesday, March 10th.

Please pray, contact the Senators listed below and urge them to vote "NO" on SB 638 School Tolerance Diversity Curriculum. Then join us in Room 321 at 2:30 p.m.

God bless you.

Jose Vasquez

Senate PUBLIC AFFAIRS Committee
Tuesday and Thursday 2:30 p.m. - Room 321 / Friday - 2:30 p.m. - Room 321
Name Email Office Phone
Dede Feldman (D) Chair 300A (505) 986-4482

Tim Eichenberg (D) 416D (505) 986-4859

Vernon D. Asbill (R) 415D (505) 986-4393

Mark Boitano (R) 415B (505) 986-4366

Mary Jane M. Garcia (D) 120 (505) 986-4726

Eric G. Griego (D) 416E (505) 986-4862

George K. Munoz (D) 416G (505) 986-4387

Cynthia Nava (D) 328A (505) 986-4834

If you know anyone in NM, please share this information with them so we can defeat the liberals that are trying to corrupt our children.

I believe NM is constantly targeted by out of state forces via several liberal senators and reps in the state. If one state gets a foothold promoting these sinful lifestyles it will set a dangerous precedent!



For Want of a Bible...

Have you ever wanted to share the good news with someone you knew was lost? Have you ever stopped yourself because you thought you knew what the outcome would be? Have you ever not shared the good news because you thought you might be ostracized? These are all relevant feelings but all of them stop us from bringing the lost to Jesus Christ and an eternal future in Heaven.

Penn Jillette (one-half of Penn and Teller), an avowed atheist, recently had a meeting with a man who had watched his Vegas show. Check it out:

Watch the video and remember the words in the Bible that form the basis of our faith and the reason we Christians are on this earth:

And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Amen. Matthew 28:18-20

We should remember the words of the video and stand strong and witness so that all may be saved!

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Sunday, March 8, 2009

Under the Radar and Out of Our Pockets!

Obama funds $20M tax payer dollars to immigrate Hamas Refugees to the USA

This is the news that didn't make the headlines...

By executive order, President Barack Obama has ordered the expenditure of $20.3 million in migration assistance to the Palestinian refugees and conflict victims in Gaza . The "presidential determination" which allows hundreds of thousands of Palestinians with ties to Hamas to resettle in theUnited States was signed on January 27 and appeared in the Federal Register on February 4.

Few on Capitol Hill took note that the order provides a free ticket replete with housing and food allowances to individuals who have displayed their overwhelming support of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) in the parliamentary election of January 2006.

A review of Barack Obama's most recent actions since he was inaugurated a little more than two weeks ago:
•Hisfirst call to any head of state as president was to Mahmoud Abbas, leader of Fatah party in the Palestinian territory.
•His first one-on-one interview with any news organization was with Al Arabia television.
•He ordered Guantanamo Bay closed and all military trials of detainees halted.
•He ordered all overseas CIA interrogation centers closed.
•He withdrew all charges against the masterminds behind the USS Cole and 9/11.
•Now we learn that he is allowing hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refuges to move to and live in the US at American taxpayer expense.
To verify for yourself, click here.

Thanks Peg!

How to Succeed Without Really Trying. (aka, being a needy american under Obama)

Like Talking to a Wall.

The Taliban at one time was the ruling faction in Afghanistan. Previous to 9/11/2001 the Taliban allowed Afghanistan to be a haven and a breeding ground for Saudi Arabian terrorists that were not allowed to live in their home country. Previous to the greatest terror attack ever perpetrated on the USA, the Taliban destroyed two giant Buddha statues that had been carved into the side of a mountain in Afghanistan centuries before. While I am not a buddhist, I am a citizen of the USA and have been raised to believe that every person has a right to worship or not to worship as they see fit. The destruction of these Buddhas was abhorrent to those of the buddhist faith and should not have been destroyed. The Taliban oppressed women just like most of Islam, but in Afghanistan, women were forced to wear heavy floor length drapes know as burkhas. After 9/11/2001 the USA waged war on this government that had helped create the terrorist who killed 3000 innocent Americans. The Taliban was driven from power and reduced to warring factions living a nomadic life going from cave to cave in various mountain ranges in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Now a new page in the life of the Taliban is about to be written.

Obama wants to sit down and negotiate with "Moderate" Taliban. The greatest dream of liberals is about to come to fruition. This country is about to sit down at the table with people who believe that killing innocent Americans is the way to make a statement about US policies that they don't agree with. What does Obama hope to accomplish by talking to these animals? He wants to negotiate a "peace" in Afghanistan by compromising with known terrorists. Obama wants this peace in order to withdraw troops from Afghanistan, thereby silencing the loud liberal left.

Funny how negotiating with the Taliban is being screamed from every liberal stronghold but there is NEVER a single mention of just finishing the job our military has already started. There is never a mention of WINNING, because liberals don't think America should win. Winning involves comeptition and someone will have to lose. Liberals don't like anyone to lose unless your talking about the loss of thousands of innocent babies' lives at the hands of abortion butchers. Liberals don't want the terrorists or any member of Islam, "the religion of peace", to have their feelings hurt. Liberals believe that America is the problem in the world today. They want to sit down and talk. Believe me, talking to these terrorists will be like talking to a wall.