Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Campaign to Bankrupt the Palin Family.

Who knew Sarah Palin was such a threat to liberals? You would think that if the election is over and she lost then what possible threat could she be to the liberal, lawless way of life? You would think liberals and feminists would be happy for a woman to be a major party candidate. But no, wait a minute. She's a woman who is pro-life and a woman who has a family and is a popular governor and she's a Christian. Oh wait and she had a special-needs baby who apparently the liberal left simply wanted her to abort instead of raise because that's what liberals do, they abort babies to take the easy route instead of try to raise a family with principles. (HA HA, like liberals have any principles)

This should outrage every Christian, and traditionalist and conservative. I hope someone starts a legal defense fund for this great woman.

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