Sunday, March 22, 2009

Are You Punch Drunk?

That's the question that 60 Minutes' reporter Steve Kroft actually asked President Obama during his interview. Apparently, Obama had the giggles while talking about the economy prompting Steve Kroft to ask this:

“You’re sitting here. And you’re— you are laughing. You are laughing about some of these problems. Are people going to look at this and say, ‘I mean, he’s sitting there just making jokes about money—’ How do you deal with— I mean: explain…” Kroft asks at one point.

“Are you punch-drunk?” Kroft says.

Watch the interview here:

Watch CBS Videos Online

Seriously? Laughing while he's taxing the heck out of the rich and giving that money to people who don't even have jobs or contribute anything to this country? Apparently we elected a frat-boy President whose priorities are picking the NCAA champs and ruining free-market capitalism for everyone.

Proud that I didn't vote for Obama,

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