Friday, March 13, 2009

Support the Troops.

Michelle Obama visited Fort Bragg, NC on Thursday to push her agenda of supporting military families. In her speech she called on the nation to support these families with the following remarks, "I encourage reach out on your own, through schools, the PTA, little leagues, churches, workplaces, and find out if there's a soldier or a soldier's family right there in your own community who needs a little extra support," Obama said before a crowd of about 80. "Something as simple as offering help with carpool duty can make the world of difference to a parent who is trying to hold the family together during a very stressful time."

I wonder if she wanted to add, " I can be proud of my country for only the third time in my life."

Photograph courtesy of

I don't know what country she has been living in but most conservatives, Christians, and other true Americans, HAVE ALREADY BEEN SUPPORTING MILITARY FAMILIES as long as there have been military families.

This campaign of hers is so politically motivated. She has to appear supportive of the troops to deflect criticism that she is a European type socialist who despises the military and America by proxy.

If she really wanted to support military families she should convince her husband not to cut military veteran healthcare. Obama wants to pull government healthcare from vets who have service-related injuries and make these vets pay for their own treatment with private insurance. Read about it here.

This proposed policy change by Obama is exactly what he said he wouldn't do when he was still a US Senator and is the same thing he villified John McCain for on the campaign trail.

This administration has broken so many campaign promises and foisted tax-cheat after tax-cheat on the American people that I don't know how we can trust Obama anymore.

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