I'm sure you have all heard about the villifying of Rush Limbaugh by the White House and the far-left media. About how the Democrats are screaming about Rush Limbaugh's statement, "I hope he fails.' ...what is unfair about my saying I hope liberalism fails? Liberalism is our problem. Liberalism is what's gotten us dangerously close to the precipice here. Why do I want more of it? I don't care what the drive-by story is. I would be honored if the drive-by media headlined me all day long: 'Limbaugh: I Hope Obama Fails.' Somebody's gotta say it."
By saying what he said, Rush has all the far-left media outlets like NBC News, and The Daily Kos (hate-filled, left-wing blog), among others saying that his speech is treasonous. Well did you know that in August of 2006 a poll was taken? The poll asked "Do you want the President to succeed, regardless of who you voted for?
And In 2006 a full 51% of Democrats said they wanted Bush to fail!
As usual, liberals and Democrats want it both ways. They want to dissent against a President that they hated but if anyone says ANYTHING about their precious President Obama, they want to label that speech as hate-speech.
Now I know I'll hear from liberals who will scream and cry and gnash their teeth that Bush waged a war and war is awful, boo-hoo-hoo! But that even makes their case more pitiful. If the USA is going to succeed at anything, winning a war is the most important thing of all!
Remember, "Without the soldier, there would be no protestor!"
Implementation of a liberal, socialistic agenda is something I don't want to succeed either because IT STRAYS WILDLY FROM THE FOUNDERS' INTENT for this country.
I'm going to repeat a phrase that I used a couple of days ago. It is a phrase that was put on billboards in highly Republican districts all over the USA when GWB was in the White House. I'm going to throw their words RIGHT BACK AT THEM:
Donald, You're Tired ... Time to Move On
8 years ago
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