Saturday, March 7, 2009

Don't Dish it Out if You Can't Take It!

Keith Olbermann was recently mentioned in Ann Coulter's column. Apparently one night on his show, Keith denigrated a low-level Bush administration employee Monica Goodling by saying, "that she got her law degree by sending 100 box tops to Religious Lunatic University."

When Ann Coulter responded by telling the world that Keith Olbermann went to the Agriculture College at Cornell University and took the majority of his classes in the art department, and did so with the intention of having "Cornell University" appear on his degree, it sparked an outrage. Keith responded by naming Ann Coulter "worst person in the world", a badge Ann is sure to wear proudly.

So let's think about this, Obama has to get into a slapping fight with Rush Limbaugh and Keith Olbermann is spending time responding to Ann Coulter rather than doing his job as watchdog. What a bunch of thin-skinned Democrats (liberals!

Watch Keith here:

Isn't Keith Olbermann brave booking guests night after night who totally and completely agree with him?

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