Well this is getting really annoying now. ANOTHER of Obama's cabinet picks has ethics issues. Presumptive nominee for Secretary of Labor, Wanda Solis, apparently was a lobbyist at the same time that she was a representative in the House.
In addition to breaking House ethics rules, she has been discovered to have changed paperwork relating to her lobbying activities.
So how exactly is the Obama administration choosing these people? Do they invite a Congressional Page over to the White House every Friday night, get him drunk, blindfold him, and have him play pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey on glossy 8x10's of scandal-ridden federal government has-beens, as White House staffers scream with laughter?
I'm starting to wonder...
Donald, You're Tired ... Time to Move On
8 years ago
It's a new day in Washington...all things dirty are now sparkling white; CHANGE has come. Oops, well maybe not! Does this remind anyone of the great and powerful Wizard of Oz who in reality was just a decerver?