Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Fear is a Powerful Motivator.

For the entire eight wonderful years of the George W. Bush presidency, the liberal commentators, pundits, and bloggers were always consistent in their criticism of him. They always accused GWB of using fear to win elections, use military force, etc, and blah, blah, blah. Well now I'm going to turn the tables.

President Obama is using fear of a national economic slump, worse than the Great Depression if you believe him, to build support for his massive economic STINKULUS plan. The plan put forward by liberal Democrats and a few TURNCOAT moderate Republicans, creates work not jobs. Let me explain the difference. If the federal government creates positions to work on highways and bridges, those jobs are on a contract basis, meaning the position will end at some point when the work is finished. Jobs by contrast are created by small businesses and large corporations to be long-term and mean that the company is growing.

The President would have you believe that unless the government is allowed to dig deeply into each of our pockets at tax time, that this country is on the cliff overlooking failure. This is his justification for our "march to socialism". I do not believe in paying more taxes so that those who don't pay taxes because they make less than $40,000, can live the high life while we suffer. It is important to remember that President Obama's definition of "rich" is those who make more than $75,000 per year. If you've read my blog for any length of time you know that I don't agree. $75,000 supporting a family of four does not allow for too many indulgences.

So what can we do? Well for starters we cannot allow ourselves to be taken in by the fear of failure that the our liberal Democratic leaders feel is imminent. Continue to work hard at whatever job you have, continue to educate yourself for a better job, continue to raise your families with strong values and convictions. Continue to call your senators and reps when you feel that they are not representing our core values. If we lose our voice during this time, then the vision of America as a "shining city on the hill" will have to be revised as the "drab, grey, crumbling, socialistic, European-looking city sinking in a cesspool."

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