Monday, February 9, 2009

Change We Can Believe In. HA!

Well it has been two weeks living under a liberal federal government and I don't quite get the change argument. The President campaigned on change in Washington. What change? The partisanship has never been more bitter and more pronounced. The Obama administration nominates tax cheat after tax cheat. Liberal Senator Barbara Boxer mocks Republican speeches. Perhaps my favorite story of the week is how the MSM goes after Ann Coulter for voting irregularities. That is the height of hypocrisy.

Thanks to ACORN, there was a level of fraud committed in the 2008 election on a scale not seen in dictatorships and communist countries! It makes me puke to hear liberals say, "Well at least the Republicans didn't steal this election." ACORN, and the Democratic party itself stole this election through massive voter fraud.

A generation of young people who want everything to be warm and fuzzy with no punishment, confrontation, or competition are robbing the tradition and competitive edge of this country. Their attitude of "management" by committtee and "mob rules" democracy is sickening.

The mantra is "Spread the Wealth around" but the borderline communists who swept this government into power, need to remember that in order to take from the rich, the rich have to pay their taxes. Republican rich people are robbed by taxes while Rich Democrats shirk their duty!

I don't see the change. Everyone screamed and howled about Bush and his cronies. I have seen more cronyism from the Obama administration. Clintonista has-beens are given plum jobs and tax cheats are heralded as "the best person for the job"

If this is change, then I don't want it.

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