Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Is it the End of Days?

You are going to want to read this. Apparently this has been going on behind the scenes for a little while and now it is official. President Obama in a historic (read never been done before) move will become the first US President to chair the UN Security Council. Now if you are a student of prophecy, you well know that the UN will be the institution that will govern the entire world during the Great Tribulation foreseen in the Bible. Obviously the Security Council is not the General Assembly but it is probably the most high-profile body within the United Nations. It is important to remember that the chairmanship of the Security Council rotates on a month-to-month basis but for the President of the US to sit as the chair for that month is UNPRECEDENTED! Read the full story here. I would urge my readers to get right with God because His kingdom is nigh.

Thanks for reading,

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