Sunday, June 21, 2009

Question of the Day.

Question: Michael what insight can you bring to the proposed school-voucher program for military families?

Answer: This proposed school voucher for military families highly resembles the school-voucher program already in place in so many American cities. The vouchers provide assistance for low-income families who live in educationally underserved areas and would like to send their children to private schools. The current liberal federal government opposes these programs because they take children out of the public schools system, thereby reducing the amount of federal dollars that would be controlled by the teacher's unions and the NEA (National Education Association).
As you can probably guess, this voucher program is one that the Obama administration feels must be nipped in the bud before it takes hold. And who better than Democrats to destroy this program? After all, they have lots of experience killing things before they're born. Thanks for your question.